Christ is the sweetness of every moment. The trick is to enjoy him!

How People Grow : Henry Cloud and John Townsend

How People Grow is a book that came and went on the Christian bookshelf with little notice by most readers. Cloud and Townsend's other more popular titles seem to have eclipsed this seemingly mundane work in the public eye. And yet this substantive book provides us with the deeper foundations for their forays into Christian psychology and the unique ways that God calls us to grow spiritually. This is the deep work of God below the surface of the soul that brings forth fresh, new transformation of the spirit. This book also skillfully weaves the worlds of modern psychology together with the richer, deeper work of Christ-language to explain the process of soul transformation in ways that modern, psychologically minded readers can understand. We live in a psycho-therapeutic age where everyone has a therapist. Cloud and Townsend want you to know that Christ is the best therapist we have and he works in unique ways on our souls.

Seperation from God

The biggest thing that seperates us from God is the worry that we are seperated from God.

- Thomas Keating

Spending Time with Jesus.

I've been thinking about how Jesus shaped His disciples while He was here on earth. There was teaching, practical examples of ministry and lots of travel. But the main teaching tool he used was spending time together. Lots of time. Three years of full time living life together. Jesus' followers ate with him, talked with him, walked with Him and slept with him. They followed Him every where He went and stood nearby as He worked. He was with them every moment of every day for three years. That's 17,472 waking hours of contact time with Jesus. If you had to go to school for this you would have to attend for 16 years full time to get the same amount of contact time.

In the book of John chapter 15 Jesus is preparing His followers for a time when He will no longer be physically present with them. He is getting His disciples ready for Hi exit. What does He tell them? Keep doing what we have already been doing. Keep spending every moment of every day with Him. He calls it 'abiding in Him'. Abiding is Jesus prescription for life today. A life where He is not physically present ubt is spiritually integrated into every moment. Jesus teaches that we should spend every waking moment of every day with Him. That's how Jesus shapes us today.